
Break down your swing mechanics with our cutting-edge 2D motion capture technology. This advanced motion-capture system is used to accurately assess and analyze your exact movements. TPI guidelines are utilized during your evaluation and throughout treatment to accurately identify your physical impairments that may be contributing to your pain/dysfunction.

At LOR we perform cutting-edge movement analysis to spot the underlying cause of your injury. Clinicians performing these evaluations have been TPI trained and have treated both amateur and professional golfers.

What to Expect

Your clinician will take you through a TPI screen and Physical Therapy exam to assess the quality of your musculoskeletal system. We will also analyze your swing mechanics and compile a program that addresses your precise movement, strength, and ROM impairments. Note we frequently work with Golf Pros and Swing Coaches—feel free to bring your own!

You will receive a written report, Golf Fitness score, and verbal explanation of the evaluative findings. Exercise recommendations to start your rehabilitation or performance program will occur on day-1.

Get Ahead of the Game

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